Welcome to the Colorado Council on High School/College Relations Website!


Council has some exciting recent updates that we want to share with you.  In order to manage a sustainable organization, we have intensively examined our current operating practices to see what areas require adjusting.  Our organization has grown significantly over the past 75 years such that we have determined a need to create several paid positions to support the great work the Council does.  We still are a primarily volunteer run organization and need your help filling our open positions.  However, with the new addition of paid positions, we hope to make the volunteer positions an easier commitment for an already overworked group of professionals. 

Paid Positions - NEW!

Co-Executive Directors

Assistant to the Executive Directors


Open Volunteer Positions

Communications Chair

Elections and Recognitions Chair

Counselor of the Month

Handbook Revision Chair

Handbook Distribution Chair


Open Elected Officials 

2025 President Elect **2 Year College Rep


If you are interested in one of our new paid positions - please email your resume to [email protected] and [email protected].  

If you are interested in one of our open volunteer/elected officials positions - please email [email protected].


Thank you for all that you do for CCHS/CR and our students - you are appreciated more than you know! Have a great summer!

Jaimie Ove, President 


Thanks to the 2023 Annual Conference sponsors!



Experience more benefits with a CCHS/CR Membership!

Visit the Membership pages for more information on our current membership categories (High SchoolCollege, and Associate) and benefits!

Have membership questions? Click here to contact the Membership Committee.

Apply For/Renew Membership